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Robotic Park Registration

Robotic Park

Summer Workshop

  • N/A

The Rules

The Rules:

1. The home area is the 14 x 14 inch square in the southeast corner of the playing field. Each robot must start with "all" parts contained within the home area. No parts may extend past the home area at that start.

2. Robots can complete the three missions in any order.

3. A return home is complete when some part of the robot is touching either back wall of the home area and some part of it is also touching the playing field in the home area.

4. 4. A return home implies that a robot has left home to complete a mission and returns under its own power. Leaving home implies that all parts of the robot must clear the home box area.

5. No team may intentionally interfere with another robot's playing field or mission.

6. Robots have two minutes to compete.

7. Robots can take any path they wish within the board.

8. Only teams can enter the competition and teams must consist of at least three members.

9. If all of the members of a team have never competed in the Robotics Park challenge, they should register as a Rookie team.

10. Before the start of the competitive round, each team's robot must fit inside a container (team box) whose dimensions are 9" wide by 12 " long by 11" deep with the cover completely on. The robot must be fully operational in this state. (This is a Kinko's half-case box) No variations to the robot's physical configuration may be made to it when it is removed from the box to begin competition. Teams are expected to create and decorate this team box to hold and transport their robotic creations. These box designs will also be judged for the Team Box Award.

11. Teams are expected to create a written piece in the form of a brochure or flyer to inform others about their school, their team and their competition robot. These flyers should be available to the audience of the event as well as to the judges. At an appointed time, the team member/s will read or relate the story behind the team's robot to the judges and share this written piece. This written piece about your robot must be given to the judge/s before being allowed to officially begin any matches. This written piece and oral presentation will be judged.

